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RectangleHitbox - Class in
A RectangleHitbox is a rectangular Hitbox with sides that remain orthogonal regardless of its angle of rotation.
RectangleHitbox(CellVector, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a RectangleHitbox with the specified relative position and dimensions.
RectangleHitbox(long, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a RectangleHitbox with the specified relative position and dimensions.
rectangleIsVisible(long, long, long, long) - Method in class
Returns whether any part of the specified rectangular region of this SpaceState's space is visible through any of its Viewports.
rectangleIsVisible(long, long, long, long) - Method in class
Returns whether any part of the specified rectangular region of a SpaceState's space is visible through this Viewport.
regularPolygon(long, long, int, long, double) - Static method in class
Returns a new PolygonHitbox in the shape of a regular polygon.
relativeTo(Hitbox) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellVector
Flips this CellVector to reflect the flipped status of the specified Hitbox and rotates it to reflect the Hitbox's angle of rotation, as if those properties were formerly relative to the Hitbox.
relativeTo(SpaceObject) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellVector
Flips this CellVector to reflect the flipped status of the specified SpaceObject and rotates it to reflect the SpaceObject's angle of rotation, as if those properties were formerly relative to the SpaceObject.
relFlipX() - Method in class
Flips this Hitbox relatively horizontally, making it flipped if it was not before and not flipped if it was before.
relFlipY() - Method in class
Flips this Hitbox relatively vertically, making it flipped if it was not before and not flipped if it was before.
remove(Event<T, U>, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.EventGroup
Removes from this EventGroup one instance of the specified Event at the specified priority, if such an instance exists.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArrayMap
remove(Object) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
removeAboveLine(long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely above the specified horizontal line.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
removeAnimInstance(AnimationInstance) - Method in class org.cell2d.GameState
Removes the specified AnimationInstance from this GameState if it is currently assigned to this GameState without an ID.
removeAnimInstance(AnimationInstance) - Method in class
Removes the specified AnimationInstance from this SpaceObject if it is currently assigned to this GameState without an ID.
removeAssets(TiledResource, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Removes this TiledConverter's cached pointer to the assets converted from the specified resource, if it has converted that resource before.
removeBelowLine(long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely below the specified horizontal line.
removedActions(CellGame, BasicSpaceState) - Method in class
Actions for this BasicThinkerObject to take immediately before being removed from its current BasicSpaceState.
removedActions(T, U) - Method in class org.cell2d.SubThinker
Actions for this SubThinker to take before being removed from its current super-Thinker, immediately before the super-Thinker takes its removeSubThinkerActions().
removeFollower(MobileObject) - Method in class
Removes the specified MobileObject as this MobileObject's follower if this MobileObject is its leader.
removeLeftOfLine(long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely to the left of the specified vertical line.
removeLineage(V) - Method in class
Removes from their super-Thinkers all of the SpaceThinkers that are directly or indirectly assigned to this ThinkerObject, and are either assigned to or assignees of the specified SpaceThinker.
removeLineage(V) - Method in class org.cell2d.Thinker
Removes from their super-Thinkers all of the SubThinkers that are directly or indirectly assigned to this Thinker, and are either assigned to or assignees of the specified SubThinker.
removeMusic(int, Music) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Removes the specified Music track from the specified priority in this CellGame's music stack if it is currently assigned to that priority.
removeMusic(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Removes from the specified priority in this CellGame's music stack all of the Music tracks currently assigned to it.
removeMusic(Music) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Removes the specified Music track from the greatest priority in this CellGame's music stack if it is currently assigned to that priority.
removeMusic() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Removes from the greatest priority in this CellGame's music stack all of the Music tracks currently assigned to it, if the music stack is not empty.
removeObject(SpaceObject) - Method in class
Removes the specified SpaceObject from this SpaceState if it is currently assigned to it.
removeOutsideRectangle(long, long, long, long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely outside the specified rectangular region.
removeRectangle(long, long, long, long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely inside the specified rectangular region.
removeRightOfLine(long) - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of its SpaceObjects that lie entirely to the right of the specified vertical line.
removeSubThinker(V) - Method in class
Removes the specified SpaceThinker from this ThinkerObject if it is currently assigned to it.
removeSubThinker(V) - Method in class org.cell2d.Thinker
Removes the specified SubThinker from this Thinker if it is currently assigned to it.
removeSubThinkerActions(CellGame, BasicSpaceState, BasicSpaceThinker) - Method in class
Actions for this BasicThinkerObject to take immediately before removing a BasicSpaceThinker from itself, after the soon-to-be-removed BasicSpaceThinker takes its removedActions().
removeSubThinkerActions(T, U, V) - Method in class
removeSubThinkerActions(T, U, V) - Method in class
removeSubThinkerActions(T, U, V) - Method in class org.cell2d.Thinker
Actions for this Thinker to take immediately before removing a SubThinker from itself, after the soon-to-be-removed SubThinker takes its removedActions().
removeVertex(int) - Method in class
Removes this PolygonHitbox's vertex at the specified index.
renderActions(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Actions for this CellGame to take each frame to render visuals after its current GameState has finished rendering.
renderActions(T, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.GameState
Actions for this GameState to take each frame to render its visuals.
renderActions(Graphics, long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
renderActions(Graphics, long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
renderActions(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Actions for this HUD to take to render its visuals.
renderActions(Graphics, long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Actions for this SpaceLayer to take to render its visuals through a Viewport's camera.
renderActions(T, Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
renderLoadingVisuals(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Renders the visuals that this CellGame will display while its initActions() are in progress.
resume() - Method in class org.cell2d.Music
Resumes playing this Music track if it currently paused.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
round(long) - Static method in class org.cell2d.Frac
Returns the specified number rounded to the nearest fracunit.
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